• Install the Windows 10 on dell precision T5600

When I installed the windows 10, A problem that was described as "Unable to load driver" and the hard disk couldn't be partitioned was found.Here is the solution to load the driver and everything will be ok.

Download this file in your USB flash disk and extract it by winrar.

Share Link:http://lixin.fun/cloud/index.php?share/file&user=1&sid=5dbe4Yzm Password:U00HQ

Load file under the directory "RSTe_f6_iaStorS_64" when program ask you to load the driver.

  • Solve the problem to connect the internet
We need solve this problem because the network card not work in default after installing Centos.
nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 # the postfix of enp0s3 is produced automatically

change "ONBOOT = no" to "ONBOOT = yes"

service network restart

Currently, you can connect the internet. If you use the
campus network and it has the Login Interface Authentication.A Wireless Router with DHCP service can deal with it when you login with other devicer via the Wireless Router.

  • Install the graphics driver 'AMD FirePro 2270' without XServer support
Download FirePro 2270 driver:
Share Link:http://lixin.fun/cloud/index.php?share/file&user=1&sid=bS9HVYsX Password:OoYNo

Execute the command:

./amd-driver-installer-15.201.2401-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg RedHat/RHEL6_64a --NoXServer #Use the double dash before buidpkg and NoXServer

Install the resulting .rpm

yum install fglrx64_p_i_c-15.201.2401-1.x86_64.rpm

Test that it installed:

rpm -qa | grep fglrx clinfo | grep GPU # assumes you have at least one FirePro card installed lsmod | grep fglrx

  • Add windows 10 boot in centos 7

Install ntfs-3g

yum install ntfs-3g

Identify the boot of windows 10

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

You will find the boot of windows 10 when you reboot computer.If you want to define the default boot , here is the method:

cat /boot/grub2/grub.cfg | grep menuentry

Find out the boot which is your want to set.

grub2-set-default "CentOS Linux ..."

You can confirm the set when you reboot.

  • Firewall problem about VNC service
Add 5900 to 5903 port in firewall service
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5900:5903/tcp --permanent #notice the double dash

reload the service

firewall-cmd --reload

  • Query and uninstall the rpm package that has installed

Query the rpm package that has installed:

rpm -qa | grep ***

Uninstall the rpm package:

rpm -e ***

Last modified: 2020年2月14日


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