1. Switch the graphics card to display as the mainboard
  2. Reclaim hard drive space
  3. Install drive of Nvidia RTX 2060
  4. Mount the mechanical hard disk to the home directory

Switch the graphics card to display as the mainboard

When installing a new system, you need to switch the display card to the mainboard mode, because there is no driver related to the graphics card when installing the new system, it will not be displayed.

Reboot your server and enter the BIOS (  tap F11 ), switch VGA Priority from 'Offboard' to 'Onboard' in PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration. And the display interface should be changed to mainboard's VGA. When graphic drive has been installed, it is a advice that you should switch VGA Priority to 'Offboard' and use the display interface of graphics card.

Reclaim hard drive space

The hard drive space is absent when you change OS from Windows 10  to Centos 7. There is a need to reclaim these space.

When you select your device you'd like to install to, set Other Storage Options as 'Automatically configure partitioning' and tick 'I would like to make additional space available'.

In the interface of Reclaim disk space, Reclaiming space will be finished, when you tap 'Delect all' and 'Reclaim space'.

Install drive of Nvidia RTX 2060

Centos has been installed, but the graphics card doesn't work. The drive of RTX 2060 is needed by your server.

Download drives on Nvidia's website : https://www.geforce.cn/drivers , and extract it from compressed files.

There is a .run file and you can run it when you type these commands 'chmod +x filesname.run' and './filesname.run'.

You should switch VGA Priority to 'Offboard' and use the display interface of graphics card in BIOS when your divers have been installed.

Mount the mechanical hard disk to the home directory

lsblk    # View partition status

mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1    # Format the hard disk

cd /mnt    

mkdir home

mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/home

cp -a /home/* /mnt/home

rm -rf /home/*

umount /dev/sdb1

blkid    # View the UUID of each hard disk and record the UUID in the line /dev/sdb1

vi /etc/fstab    

# Add content ' UUID=.......uuid you record.....     /home    ext4     defaults     1    2 '

mount -a

df -h    # check successful mount

You can also use 'fdisk /dev/sdb' to manage disk.

fdisk ref. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/fdisk-command-in-linux-with-examples/

Last modified: 2020年2月14日


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